Our Blog

Control and Shame

Control and Shame

Control and Shame   Sometimes when we are so concerned with controlling every aspect of our lives, the people in it and how things go. We’re actually dealing with deep shame that lives at the center of that control. We may think it’s just the way we are, it’s...

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Down the Rabbit Hole

Down the Rabbit Hole

Down the Rabbit Hole Deep down you’ve known something wasn’t quite right inside. So you read a little and you understand a little more. You decide – I don’t want to feel this way anymore. I must be able to fix it. So you reach out and find a professional to hold your...

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Human Connection

Human Connection

There is so much to human relating and communication. One thing no one teaches us is how to CONNECT with another, how to FEEL another, and how to RECEIVE another. Being present is a lot more than being with someone in the body. It’s a deep LISTENING to what someone is...

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Receiving Means Giving

Receiving Means Giving

A wise woman told me once that is it important to give if you want to receive. I was fresh on my spiritual path and I had internalized this concept in a very surface-level way. So I thought: ‘Hmmm ok, I want certain things for my life and it will be pretty easy to...

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What to do when life gets in the way?

What to do when life gets in the way?

You know this one all too well:  you plan to the most minute detail, to account for everything in your life until it throws you a curveball! Life’s sense of humour, when we take our lives too seriously, can really test what we’re made of.  What do we usually do in...

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Old Emotions, New Situations

Old Emotions, New Situations

Our thoughts, emotions, and bodies are all connected. Western medicine and healing modalities traditionally dealt with these as separate parts – almost like a mechanic would service a car. We are slowly beginning to realise that contrary to this perspective on human...

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Needs VS Neediness

Needs VS Neediness

We chase after love and affection from our distant partners, we try to be ‘good’ for them in every way possible and when they don’t return our displays of affection and love we feel terrible. It is cyclical and can chip away at our self-worth.

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The world our five senses engages with can be misleading. It will usually try to pull us in as many directions as it possibly can and if we haven’t cultivated a relationship with our inner world. We can absolutely get stuck in the world our 5 senses would have us prioritized with.

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Settling the Nervous System and PTSD

Settling the Nervous System and PTSD

Sometimes in life, there will be unforeseen incidents that may make our hearts pound and leave us shaking at the knees. One such incident happened to me over the weekend and re-ignited a long forgotten PTSD response.

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Let’s talk about this topic for a bit. I hear this word come up a lot around the topic of romantic love. Many of us long for a ‘soulmate’. Someone who can be our best friend, someone who ‘just gets us’, that one person who is perfectly in tune with who we are,...

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